Sunday, October 26, 2014

Another Sunday Update!

Yet again, another update coming your way!

Boy, moving is hard work!  This is the first time I have ever moved, and I am heading across the country!  I am so excited though, despite the exhausting, long days of unloading.  We (my brother and I) have finally arrived at the apartment that we picked out back towards the beginning of October; with the lease signed and our belongings pack, we headed out a few days ago to begin the process of unloading everything into the apartment.

With all that said, reading time has be limited.  (Also as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out.)  However, I received a book for review recently from Premier Virtual Author Book Tours, and miraculously, I found time to read it (I'm clearly impressed with myself).  Anyway, that review (and A GIVEAWAY!) will be posted tomorrow so get ready!

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